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Butterfly on Ink

Hello! Nice to meet you 

Thank you for taking time to visit my blog, Purposely Refined. Purposely Refined is birthed out of a very difficult and painful season of my life.  However, there is purpose that has been found in the pain.  The woman who sits here and types this message to you is not the same one that you would have encountered 2 1/2 years ago.  At my core, I am the same, but I have truly been transformed and the metamorphosis continues. When it was first placed in my heart to begin a blog, I came up with a name.  The name was a bit complicated in that it defined a stage in the process of a caterpillar morphing to a butterfly, known as the chrysalis stage.  During this time, the pupa of a butterfly is protected by a hardened layer. A sheltered state or stage of being or growth. I can unequivocally share with you that this stage likens itself to part of my own journey.  I promise you that this blog does not deal with the education of insects.  Rather it does fulfill my heart's desire to share my journey with you through telling's of short stories, poems, and biblical devotions to shine the light on the one who shepherded me through a stormy and unfamiliar season of my life. Jesus Christ is the good shepherd today, yesterday and forever! I have a story to tell and in sharing my story with you, it is my prayer that it meets you where you are. 

With Love & Compassion,

Zulekha    ​

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